Could I end up with it too?

>> Thursday, November 5, 2009

I failed my one hour glucose test, and I'm still waiting for the results on the 3 hour test. I'm very nervous. My father has had type 2 Diabetes since he was 28 years old and he just recently was told he is legally blind and he's only 44. I can't stand to see him go through all this physically as he deprives himself of food he enjoys and I watch him continue to deal with all these issues. I am doing everything I can to eat right and make sure I don't raise my chances for Diabetes in the future, but over half of my Dad's side of the family has it. I'm slightly overweight for the height, but I carry it well and didn't think it was a problem. I was reading these is a 40% chance that women who are diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes will have type 2 Diabetes within 5 years. I'd be 29 in 5 years, close to my father's age when he was diagnosed.

I know I'm just working myself up over nothing here, well not nothing, but not something I can actually change or control right now, but my nerves are getting the best of me.

I also had an 2 uncles and an Aunt who were Blind from Diabetes and my Grandmother had another condition that caused her to go blind in her late 30's called retinitis pigmitosis (sp?). Blindness is a constant fear in my family.


Leslie November 9, 2009 at 2:11 PM  

Stopping by from SITS roll call to say hello...

My brother is a diabetic. Was diagnosed when he was about seven years old. He's in his forties now and is still doing great.

Hope all went well for you with your test last week. - The place for profile layouts, flash generators, glitter graphics, backgrounds and codes

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