Son of Promise!!!

>> Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I wanted to testify. God is Faithful, Amen?

Three and a half years ago my husband and I were given the promise of a son. It was reiterated through vision, a word from another and countless encounters with women who would touch my stomach and say I would conceive soon. I never gave up on believing this promise. In fact, I just kept asking God for more. I started praying for a daughter as well!!! He is able, why not?

As 4 years of our marriage went by without contraception and no conception, I started to get angry with my body. I understood that the promise had to wait until it was time, but I was irregular and often ‘felt pregnant. This was terribly emotional. I went to the Dr. last year and eventually she put me on Chlomid. It is a fertility drug that causes your body to ovulate as it is supposed to. I knew this would give me peace of mind as I would start regularly and not have to face the depression of thinking I was pregnant just to find that I had just skipped 3 periods. Chlomid did just that. I had 3 regular periods, but had to have shoulder surgery so I couldn’t take it again. I didn’t have a period for 3 months and started getting angry with my body for not working right and figured there was no chance for conception so long as I was having periods.

On April 9th I took a pregnancy test just to be sure since I was weeks late. Negative. So I just waiting for my body to go back to normal. You see I could not take Chlomid until I was on the 3rd day of my period. No period, no Chlomid. I did not want the Chlomid to ‘get me pregnant’ I just wanted the same chance of ovulation and fertility every other woman bad and I wanted to start my period so I would KNOW that I was not pregnant each month.

In May I started noticing my pants were getting too tight. So I though, maybe I am bloated and going to start my period finally. But just to be sure, I decided to take another pregnancy test. It was May 27th and for the first time I got a Positive!!!

I am now 7 weeks pregnant with the son God promised me. (I don’t think this is a daughter because I feel in my spirit that this is the time for the promise!)

Isn’t it neat how God made sure Chlomid didn’t get the glory??? - The place for profile layouts, flash generators, glitter graphics, backgrounds and codes

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