what a year ...
>> Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Its interesting to me how God works and His timing. My husband and I are in the middle of a financial crisis. I actually came home for lunch yesterday (to eat my Ramon noodles) to find that our electricity had been cut off. At first I was angry, then I was depressed and now I'm just ready for something to change. After making a spreadsheet of all our bills and our income, I quickly realized why things are so bad - we are -$316 at the end of each month. This does not include emergency money or anything extra - movies, dinner out, dessert. Its simply our bills plus 100 dollars a month for gas and 150 a month for groceries (which is nearly impossible to feed us for breakfast lunch and dinner which we eat all 3 at home).
Basically, I'm praying for a miracle. Levi is on his way and I can't afford my health insurance anymore. We are behind months on our credit cards and obviously our electric bill - which we still do have the means to have turned back on yet. My husband, bless his heart, is so embarrassed he has begged me not to tell anyone. But being a woman, I have a deep need to 'talk' about my life experiences and difficulties. Thank goodness for blogging.
I'm POSITIVE I will have a testimony soon of what God did in our finances. He chose this time to fulfill the promise to give us a son, and I know He will provide.
FYI, we did not get here due to frivolous living, my husband was laid-off for 6 months and then brought back part-time with a 4 dollar and hour pay cut. Our credit cards only lasted so long to put food on the table, and now our debt is unbearable... but its not due to lack of responsibility or wasteful living - we haven't' been out on a date in over 6 months. It is simply due to the economy and I know we aren't the only ones.
I'm so sorry to hear about your financial issues. :( I hate money - I always say that. God is faithful - I know you know that. And yes, you will have wonderful testimony in the end. There's an old hymn that goes "God specializes in things called impossible" Hang in there! Hugs!!
oh girl...do I ever hear you. It's been 14 months since I was let go and I've felt the financial sting quite a bit. God has been good, and I have not felt abandoned, yet my credit is now crap and I have had the electricity turned off once as well.
He IS our provider, and you will not be abandoned.
(((hugs))) and prayers for you.
I know it's tough and God will provide.
If you can, check out Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover. (from the library even). He has great ideas for how to get out of debt.
You will have to cut out the movies and anything extra, but you can do it. And, you might have to eat mac n cheese for a while, but God will provide what you need.
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