poverty, a curse or a blessing?

>> Thursday, October 29, 2009

A friend commented that I might have to eat Mac-N-Cheese for a while on my blog about our financial situation. It made me giggle because I was raised on government help; Ramon Noodles, mac-n-cheese, oatmeal and anything we could literally buy for cents was usually all we had to eat unless, of course, a friend or family member treated us to dinner at their house or Sunday afternoon dinner out!!! All my clothes may have been hand-me-downs and I might not have had all the best things growing up, but I do have some amazing family bonding memories and lessons in the real world that will last a lifetime!

I'm grateful I went through that as a child: a) because I appreciate going out for dinner or the smaller things in life outside of money and fancy things b) because I learned from my parents to live by faith no matter what was not in the cupboards and I never starved to death c) No matter what crisis I face financially, it will pass or I'll learn to adjust c) the most important - as long as you have family, you are rich indeed!

As a child, there were very few times I felt sorry for myself because I had less than others, and though I didn't want to ever tell my children, "I'm sorry honey but mommy can't afford the good meat, you'll have to eat a grilled cheese tonight." I understand that those very circumstances built my faith and character. I was spoiled in love and not money, and oh what a blessing it was!


here's my son =D

>> Tuesday, October 27, 2009


what a year ...

Its interesting to me how God works and His timing. My husband and I are in the middle of a financial crisis. I actually came home for lunch yesterday (to eat my Ramon noodles) to find that our electricity had been cut off. At first I was angry, then I was depressed and now I'm just ready for something to change. After making a spreadsheet of all our bills and our income, I quickly realized why things are so bad - we are -$316 at the end of each month. This does not include emergency money or anything extra - movies, dinner out, dessert. Its simply our bills plus 100 dollars a month for gas and 150 a month for groceries (which is nearly impossible to feed us for breakfast lunch and dinner which we eat all 3 at home).

Basically, I'm praying for a miracle. Levi is on his way and I can't afford my health insurance anymore. We are behind months on our credit cards and obviously our electric bill - which we still do have the means to have turned back on yet. My husband, bless his heart, is so embarrassed he has begged me not to tell anyone. But being a woman, I have a deep need to 'talk' about my life experiences and difficulties. Thank goodness for blogging.

I'm POSITIVE I will have a testimony soon of what God did in our finances. He chose this time to fulfill the promise to give us a son, and I know He will provide.

FYI, we did not get here due to frivolous living, my husband was laid-off for 6 months and then brought back part-time with a 4 dollar and hour pay cut. Our credit cards only lasted so long to put food on the table, and now our debt is unbearable... but its not due to lack of responsibility or wasteful living - we haven't' been out on a date in over 6 months. It is simply due to the economy and I know we aren't the only ones.


A friends writings... I love when they make me tear up

>> Saturday, October 24, 2009

Tutu's Bliss - check out her last entry - it is so beautiful mommies!

I was so blown away by the way she captured the essence of what being mommy is to her.


Poem for Levi

What can I give you:

What can I give you,
But the precious gift of knowing God?
What can I show you,
But the wonderful life of salvation?
Is there anything I can do,
But teach you His ways of love?
How else can I raise you,
But to know your Lord?
What else can satisfy your soul,
But to walk in relationship with Jehovah?

Oh that you will know Him better than me!

Is there any thing you will need more,
More than the knowledge of your savior?
Is there any thing to profit more,
More than a life of true relationship?
Oh, but you, you will know this
You, you will live this
The glory of the Lord will be seen in your eyes
The presence of the Lord will be with you always
And the truth of God will continually be on your lips

So, what more can I give you?
What else is there to know?
He will be your keeper
The very lover of your soul
You’ll know Him deeper than most
And commune with Him daily
There is nothing more important to teach you
Than the promises of God


ah, to write again

>> Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I was thinking yesterday, "man I wish I had some place to write." LOL, silly me. How could I forget about this blog! I guess I can blame that on the busyness of my life lately.

I'm now 25.5 weeks. My little little is moving around a lot and growing at a great pace. I'm so excited to see his little face and share the stories of my little worshiper through blogging. I missed my time here so much as I look back and try to figure out when something happened and why in the world I didn't journal about it!!!

It's getting close to lunch time and I'm at work right now (shhh), but I will continue my writings in the evenings, especially with all the exiting stuff that has been happening with our little Levi's development inside mommy's tummy!

*sigh* back to the wonderful writing days where its nice to have a reader, but just as good to be able to get it all out!


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