Breakfast BUST

>> Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Ok – I would not advise a breakfast-in-bed on a very big day. My poor hubby was so nervous this morning every time he tried to take a bite he thought he was going to throw up! At least he tried for me… I was really disappointed and hurt at first because initially he said….

“You eat it honey I’m not hungry yet.”
“But I made it for you…”
“I wish you would have told me first.”

I was immediately overcome by tears. (Lucky he could not see them.) I left his breakfast on the table and carried on with my morning routine. I was going through the scenario in my head and thinking of all the times something I did for johnny just wasn’t good enough. The phrase that haunts me as a wife, “I wish you would…” I remembered how I used to clean the house EVERY day, until Johnny started complaining that I should only set aside one day and that should be Saturdays. (This is the way his mother scheduled cleaning.)

You see, I was the house keeper in my parent’s home. My mother was deeply depressed and slept all day. As you can tell, I did not have a very good example of what a wife was supposed to do… but I knew it was my job to care for Johnny. So I tried my best to adjust, but it just seemed like nothing I ever did was good enough. I let the dishes soak too long in the sink while the I waited for the scolding water to cool. I didn’t wash big enough loads of laundry and wasted time and energy. (Although, I must inform you that Johnny broke our washer twice from over filling it!) And I definitely didn’t do any of it fast enough.

I think it was hard for Johnny to adjust to another person… as is anyone. He is a perfectionist and I am a spontaneous mess (smile). The problem is that I gave up after that first year trying to please my husband. He quickly started cleaning and washing. He said he didn’t mind, but I knew he did it so that I wouldn’t do it the ‘wrong’ way. As the last few years went by he seems to resent me for letting him to do the house work. We both work full-time and I always take care of dinner and the bathroom. So I didn’t see a problem with this and let him entertain is own perfectionist issues by doing it himself.

Johnny has been laid-off for 2 months now. I remember when he would come home from work and get all irritated and in a bad mood when the bed was not made. The funny thing is that he is still in bed when I leave in the morning… so I cannot make it. When I come home I do not get mad at him because the bed is not made or the dishes are still dirty in the sink. The first few weeks of being laid-off, he did it all. The house was clean everyday and the bed was made. I guess he got burned out!

Does anyone ever have that ‘I’m never going to be good enough’ feeling in their marriage? How did you overcome it? It hurts too much for me still. I am a people-pleaser by nature and I hate that I can’t make him happy.

I am trying to show Johnny I love him through actions… his love language is ‘acts of service’. And everything I am doing is just because I love him. This morning I had to put my hurt aside and remember I did not do it for myself or my own ‘feel good’ for being a good little wife. I did it to remind him that I loved him enough to give up some of my precious sleep and take away from my make-up and hair time for his care. And even if he wasn’t hungry, I accomplished what I set out to do. Sometimes people aren’t going to understand you or receive your acts of service like you want them to… but that doesn’t mean you give up!


Anonymous February 4, 2009 at 9:46 AM  

I found you through SITS. I feel your pain. I tried to be super nice and bring my husband coffee in bed a few weeks ago, let him sleep in while I cooked our family breakfast and wrangled the two Wild Indians.... He was not as appreciative as I had hoped, and I was crushed. What do they say "No good deed goes unpunished?" Yeah.
Come on over, and we'll do breakfast! :)

Being Me February 4, 2009 at 10:31 PM  

Hey! You commented on my blog (did you come through SITS? am guessing probably so :)

Well I am so glad you did comment today, so that I could read your poignant "marriage question" post.

Yes I think I did have an "I'm never going to be good enough" feeling, early on. We've been together 16 years and married for 10 (this May)... I'm a people-pleaser too and would often think like you (that nothing I did was good enough, for anyone). But I would say that the coin has flipped in this house and my husband is in your position :( There have been times where I have accidentally led him to believe nothing he does is "good enough" for me. We've had some rough years (we lost our first child before she came home from the hospital) and I guess we have learned that for our relationship to survive, we needed to get serious about being open and honest.

It really hurts, but perhaps a good place to start might be to look within - what is it in you that thinks you need to be better than what you are for your Johnny? I tend to think that at times like this, both sides have insecurities that would do well to be addressed. But seeing as you can't change another person, one of the best places to start is to choose for yourself how you want to be seen and why you want to please.

Sorry! My comment is ludicrously long! :( (See?? I even think the length of my comment is not good enough! People-pleaser signing off ;)

Megan February 5, 2009 at 12:36 AM  

I have had that feeling before and it's hard to deal with. You think you're doing something so nice and it's ignored or not commented on at all. I think I just shy away from doing the same thing again. Obviously that's not what I should be doing, but I'm so anti-confrontation when it comes to "serious" discussions. I'm not a good example. lol

Maybe some time when you're not "in the moment" just have a casual conversation about how his high expectations make you feel. He may not realize that what he's doing (being Mr. Perfectionist) is projecting negatively on you.

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? February 5, 2009 at 12:41 PM  

I think you will always go through phases of "not feeling good enough." But, at the same time, you need to make sure you are communicating with each other, too.

I think it might be good to explain how you were feeling to him and what your intentions were:)

And, FYI, that "not good enough" feeling amplified for me when I became a mother. - The place for profile layouts, flash generators, glitter graphics, backgrounds and codes

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