Nothing Good . . .
>> Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Yesterday was full of badness (yes I said badness). Nothing was good about it. Nothing. And don't get me started on this morning.... *sigh*
So, I totally want to write about what really happens in my life, but do you ever feel like you need to protect those people who hurt you because you love them and you know they didn't mean it? I hate giving people a bad impression of my hubby. Well, lets just say he was being terrible this morning. I know when he doesn't get his way he is a total jerk, but man he was just downright mean to me all the way to work. I'm not going to say anything he said because he's not a bad guy... he's just having an 'off' day. I'm sure he'll be his loving self by the time I get home tonight. My problem is that I just want to punch him real quit and shut him up =). Don't worry I don't do that.... I just said I 'wanted' to.
Church is becoming a complicated ground to walk on as well. I can't find my place anymore. I know I am going to be called somewhere else soon...
No worries. Your blog will pick up and you probably have some Lurkers. People are reading just not speaking up. If you check out my site there is a great site counter that is free and will keep track of how many hits you are getting. I have about , 5,000 hits and No where near that many comments.
I'm stopping by from SITS! I hope things are better soon! Badness go away:)
Hey there! I'm stopping by from SITS. I'm a christian too, been my whole life. Grew up in the same church for 23 years until I got married and moved away. Leaving my old church was the last thing I wanted to do but God had other plans. Hang in there. I know you don't know me from a hole in the wall, but if you want to talk..... :)
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