My perception entraps me,
Causes my emotions to engulf me
I know the truth
But cannot perceive hope
Lost in a maze of cloudiness haze
How will I ever find me
The real me
The summer who’s passion defined her
Who’s dreams were larger than life
Even the memories of that time
Cause a deep depression to set in
Bringing me to here again
Hopeless ramblings of an imperfect girl
Searching for meaning in all the brokenness
Striving for naught
As those things that once were vanished
Into thin air
Even though I’ll always blame a thief
Why couldn’t it be me
Why couldn’t I change the world
One person at a time
Only now, I’m struggling just to save myself
From this nothing trying to hold me
To keep me from my destiny
Please don’t let me die here
Like this
With no future, no recovery ending in bliss
Don’t let me lose me forever
If only this were just a test
A meaningful lesson
That will lead to a stronger, more capable success
Could I be?
I can only hold onto the memory
In hopes the visions I once saw
Would become a reality